This is supposed to Day 10, however, I just made one commit yesterday. That commit was making a false bar that simulates a task split. I haven’t added any code since until today.

I made a false bar because I cannot, as of this writing, make the window refresh work. Everytime I call the redraw method from the event triggered by the split method, the application crashes.

Now to work on the task splitting on the gui, I have to modify the core Task class and add the resulting two task segments after splitting the task.

What I have now is, the task can be splitted into two segments, however, during the splitting, thw whole task is moved one day to the right while the gantt chart window has not been refreshed. After the refresh, the task segments now will be in their correct position. One way of splitting the task I implemented is by double clicking on the task at the position appropriate. Below is the snippet of the event handler of that event:

    def on_double_clicked(self, event, task, task_segment):
        if isinstance(event, wx.MouseEvent):
            loc = event.GetPosition()
            x = loc[0]
            day = int(x / BAR_SCALE) + 1
            result = task.split_task(task_segment, day)
            ts1, ts2 = result[1]
            print('ts1:', ts1.start, ts1.duration)
            print('ts2', ts2.start, ts2.duration)
            bs = event.GetEventObject()

            x, y = bs.GetPosition()

            # Delete and hide the source bar segment
            # self.bars.remove(bs)

            for ts in result[1]:
                bs1 = BarSegment(self,
                                 ts.start * BAR_SCALE,
                                 ts.duration * BAR_SCALE,
                                 BAR_HEIGHT, task, ts)

Instead of invoking the splitting by the double click, I decided to created a dialog window to handle that. This can now called from the ribbon if a task segment is selected.

The task split is now working after the split dialog is closed. I will add invoke of this dialog on the double click event of a task segment bar. I still have some bugs on the split task method that needs to be fixed. Maybe will work on it this evening.

The double click event on the task bars are disabled for now as I will be linking another functionality in there. More on bar segments, Refresh is added on the constructor so that the default color work on Windows.