Earlier this morning, I coded a little and make the task, if it is a successor, move it’s start day appropriately if it’s predecessor’s duration was changed. This afternoon as I’m writing this, I just added an update on the wbs. The update on the start day of a task is reflected automatically.
# Task duration
elif col == 2:
if value.isdigit():
# Move the start days of successor tasks if necessary
for i, tsk in enumerate(self.project.tasks):
if tsk.predecessor == index:
pred_start = task.start_day
pred_duration = task.get_virtual_duration()
pred_end = pred_start + pred_duration
if tsk.start_day < pred_end:
self.SetCellValue((i, 1), str(tsk.start_day))
I have now implemented the same code above when the cell at start day is changed. Similar purpose.
Predecessor lines are now fixed. I created an octhogonal line for orthogonal effect by getting the mid point between the predecessor and successor task. This way, the lines will not be drawn as diagonal. However I found another bug in setting the start day of a task. It doesn’t check for it’s predecessor.
Just solved and fixed the bug above. I have to check first the dependency of the task that the start day is being edited before applying the new value. Then apply the predecessor end if necessary or appropriate.
I added now two toolbar buttons in the ribbon. These tools are for moving task up or down by one row.
Function of moving up and down of task is done. That wasn’t so painful at all.lol
index = self.project.selected_task_index
if index == len(self.project.tasks) - 1:
self.project.tasks.insert(index + 1, self.project.tasks.pop(index))
Maybe in the future, I might implement a group of tasks selected to be moved simulatneously but for now, only one task at a time.