Last night I thought I found a bug. But it’s interesting that it’s not wrong coding but it’s not coded at all yet. It was the task segment, other than first segment, being dragged and not moving. This is fixed now by this block:
# Get the task segment on the left
ts_index = self.task.task_segments.index(self.task_segment)
left_ts_index = ts_index - 1
left_ts: TaskSegment = self.task.task_segments[left_ts_index]
left_limit = (left_ts.start + left_ts.duration) * BAR_SCALE
# Move only to the left if it doesn't overlap
if new_x > left_limit:
self.project.move_task_segment(self.task, self.task_segment, int(new_x / BAR_SCALE))
self.Move(self.task_segment.start * BAR_SCALE, self.GetPosition()[1])
Working on the vertical grid. I decided to create a variable of major grid interval inside the project class. This can then be saved with the file.
Worked on the bar dragging. A single task segment task now can be moved left and right with restrictions with its predecessor and successor.
Finally figured it out. Bar segment can now be dragged left and right and will be limited by either, predecessor, successor or other task segment.